If you didn’t see the special announcement yesterday, we are expecting baby #3 in February! We are beyond thrilled and can’t wait to meet this new little bundle. We knew we wanted to start trying as soon as my hormones went back to normal after I stopped nursing Jettler and I think we both assumed it would take awhile but God had a plan and it happened right away! I told Robert on Father’s Day! I was almost certain I was pregnant since I was late but wanted to wait to tell him on Father’s Day because I thought it would be such a special moment for him. I was actually in Canada for 10 days and it took everything within me to resist taking a test till the kids and I got back which was actually on Father’s Day. Well… on our way home I took a pregnancy test in the Denver airport bathroom ( of all places haha) I couldn’t wait and immediately saw that plus sign and did a happy dance in my stall with the kids haha.  As soon as Robert picked us up from the airport and we got all settled in the car, he looked over at me and I said Happy Father’s Day babe and held up the pregnancy test!!! His reaction was the best and he was so shocked, he had no clue!


This pregnancy has been way different than my other two. With Kyden I was never sick, just tired my first trimester. With Jettler I had morning sickness and was nauseated here and there but it was random and lasted till 22 weeks. This pregnancy… guys… has been so rough since week 4 on… I get sick all day and everyday. Nights are my worst from like 10pm-5 am I constantly am waking up to run and hug the toilet. Also changing diapers first thing in the morning when you have morning sickness… lets just say… not a good mix! Eating has also been really hard… I’m always hungry but as soon as I put food in front of me I instantly feel sick and it takes everything I have to get it down even if I was craving it. My poor kids probably wonder whats going on with me… Kyden always says “mommy’s tummy hurt?” and I reassure him mommy is all better. But it’s definitely been rough and hard so I’m excited to finally be able to share with all you the news since I feel like I’ve been MIA lately on social media and such. It’s just becuase I’ve been trying to survive and get through the sickness while still being a mom and chasing after my other two! Robert has been so sweet though, he always  tries to make me feel better or will take the kids to the park to give me some time to try and rest. It’s been definitely hard but I’m just so thankful I can be a mom again!! I popped early this time, I already representing a bump  and none of my shorts do up anymore so heres to the dress and yoga pant life.  Also a warning in advance, I’ll be posting a million bump pictures because I  absolutely lovvvvee having a bump! I think they are adorable!!


The kids are also so excited about the baby, Kyden has grown up so much that his reaction always takes me back a bit. He always wants to hold baby’s ultrasound picture and sometime will cradle it and give it kisses. He will randomly come up to me and touch by belly and say “Awww hi baby” and kiss it or hug it… it’s really the sweetest thing.  However everyday we pray and we say thank you for Kyden, Jettler and baby… during the prayer he will say no baby hahaha he smiles so I think he thinks he’s funny! But honestly last night I said hey bud, are you going excited to be a big brother again and he started a happy dance, got all giddy and had the biggest smile I’ve ever seen! And little Jettler is obviously too small to comprehend that mom has a baby in her belly which is also  proven with the amount of times he steps and crawls all over it but I can tell by his snuggly loving nature he’s going to be the best big brother. He loves to give kisses and snuggle up close so I can only imagine. Can you believe we have a 2 year old, 1 year old and a baby on the way?! Not sure we are ready for the chaos haha but we definitely are excited!



And for the question I’ve been asked a ton in the last 24 hours is are we going to find out? YESSSSS!!! This time we decided we are going to find out what we are having! Either way I’m exited because I look at the boys and think they got my heart so another like them and those eyes… I’ll be in heaven and Robert will have his soccer team. But then of coarse I would love to experience being a mom to a little girl, getting to do mommy daughter things with her and  buying little girls clothes!! Robert may be in trouble and may need to hide my credit card haha So we will see what it’s going to be, I keep wondering if it will look like it’s older brothers since they look pretty similar. We will see and will hopefully be having gender reveal in a few weeks! What are your guesses??

Most importantly, I wanted to say thanks everyone so much for all the congratulations, sweet comments, calls, messages, etc! They have meant the world to us and we have read every single one and we are so lucky to have people in our lives like you and so is baby! Thank you!!

**All photos were taken at the amazing A-Frame Haus in Herber City, Utah. If you are ever in the area you MUST stay there, it’s so incredibly beautiful. We can’t wait to go back! Thank you so much A-Frame Haus!

XX, Stacey +baby bump

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